Today I ordered the study-plans for the Mist Miss from Glen-L. Instead of the long-available photocopies that Glen-L would mail, they now had them in a PDF download for $15.00, which could be applied to the purchase of plans if ordered within 30 days, but I’m not ready for that yet.

In terms of a review, the PDF was 5 pages, although only two pages were “new” and unavailable on the Glen-L site:

  1. Large blow-up of top view, side view, and basic cross-section, plus high-level specifications. These are available as small .jpgs on the Glen-L site currently.
  2. New information – representative details of the actual plans, showing Transom, Frames 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 description but no measurements.
  3. New information – detailed cross-section of the profile, showing fuel tank, rudder, drivetrain, seats, stringers, keel and decking with descriptions. This also showed an overview of Frame 4 at scale, as well as the breasthook buildup.
  4. Overview/definitions of Bill of Materials – descriptions, variations, guidelines. Not sure if this is mentioned on the Glen-L site.
  5. Bill of Materials, as shown on Glen-L site, broken down by Frame Member, Plywood, and Fasteners sections.

Overall I feel pretty good about the plans. It cleared up some of the construction details. I was familiar with the various boat components, but this helped illustrate the “how it all fits and works together” aspects that I was apprehensive about.